Success Stories

Pioneering the global market through various online/offline export support of tradeKorea!
  • SELLER Date2017-12-04 09:16:19
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      Beauty & Personal Care > Personal Care > Facial Care > Skin Care Serum

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Joycos, which was established in 1994, stands for JOY + COS (cosmetics) with the motto “cosmetics that bring joy.” It is a company that manufactures and distributes cosmetics. Joycos has been interested in the global cosmetics market since their establishment, long before the rise of K-BEAUTY, and has made efforts to enter the market through product development, participation in international exhibitions, etc.

Then at the end of 2013, they knocked on the doors of a matching team to gain international buyers and enter the global market, and began contacting buyers by promoting their products, seeking inquiries and receiving connections to buyers from managers of tradeKorea.

The tradeKorea managers made consistent efforts to introduce Joycos to related international buyers. One day, they were contacted via the Internet from a Malaysian buyer that sells cosmetics showing their interest in Joycos cosmetics. After two months of negotiations, they concluded a deal. At first, the product volume was small and expectations were low. However, three years since the first deal, they are still doing business together. Joycos is thankful for the Malaysian buyer, who turned out to become a long-time customer and a strong account for Joycos.

After concluding deals through support from the managers, Joycos continued to actively participate in export support projects organized by the Korea International Trade Association (KITA). In December 2015, they even received an opportunity to hold 1:1 business meetings with cosmetic buyers who participated in the ‘US Major Buyers Export Conference,’ invited by the New York branch of KITA. They concluded deals with two buyers who participated in the meetings after the conference and were able to promote 11 Joycos cosmetic products to American consumers through one of the buyers, MEMEBOX, which is the representative e-Commerce corporation of K-BEAUTY in North America.

Since then, the tradeKorea managers have been investing constant effort for global exports by proposing products to global buyers including the international beauty shop SEPHORA, Asia’s largest health and beauty store Watsons Indonesia, etc., through the ‘Big Buyer Trade’ services.

The representative director of Joycos delivered a message of thanks to the tradeKorea managers, who provided them with opportunities to promote Joycos products to global buyers, and asked them to continue their efforts for exports in the future.

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