ABB A75-30-00 3002192-356 contactor

ABB A75-30-00 3002192-356 contactor

Negotiable Min Order Quantity Unit

Required Quantity
Place of Origin
Brand name
Payment Terms
T/T,Western Union
Production method
Shipping / Lead Time
Negotiable / Negotiable
abb, contactor, spare parts, control module
Passive Components

HongKong Glory Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.

Country / Year Established
China China / 2014
Business type
Verified Certificate


Product name ABB A75-30-00 3002192-356 contactor Certification -
Category Passive Components Ingredients -
Keyword abb , contactor , spare parts , control module Unit Size -
Brand name ABB Unit Weigh -
origin China Stock -
Supply type - HS code -

Product Information


Our advantages: 
1.New and Original 
2.In Stock 
3.Best Price 
4.Fast Delivery 
5.One Year Warranty 

Our main brand:Allen Bradley,ABB,Honeywell,Schneider,GE Fanuc,Ovation,Bently Nevada,Triconex,Foxboro,Yokogawa,etc module.

We also supply:
AX115-30-11 AX25-30 AF63-30-11 UA30-30-10 AF300-30-11 A260-30-11 AX65-30-00 A75-30 AX32-30-01 AL30-30-11 A26-30-01 AF300-30-11 AX50-30-00 AX115-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX150-30 AF40-30-11 AX185-30 AL9-30-01 A260-30-11 A12-30-01 AX18-30-10 AX18-30-10 AL12-30-10 AL26-30-01 AF1250-30-11 AX18-30-10 AX40-30-01 AX09-30-01 AF1350-30-11 AL26-30-10 AX12-30-01 AX370-30 AL9-30-10 A12-30 AF580-30-11 AF1250-30-11 A26-30-01 AF110-30-11 A9-30-01 A110-30 A185-30 AF400-30-11 AF185-30-11 AF75-30 AX80-30-11 AX50-30-11 AX09-30-10 A12-30-10 AX115-30-11 AF95-30-11 B7-30-01 24V AX09-30-10 AF75-30-11 A110-30-11 AF750-30 AX300-30-11 AX25-30-10 AF145-30-11 AL26-30 AX25-30-10 AX300-30-11 AX115-30-11 AL12-30-01 AX18-30-01 AF580-30-11 A75-30-11 UA95-30-00 A30-30-11 AL16-30-10 A260-30-11 AX32-30 AF95-30-11 AF145-30 AL16-30 A26-30-01 AX115-30-11 AF1650-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX115-30 AF110-30 AX370-30-11 UA95-30 A9-30-10 UA75-30-11 AL26-30-10 AX18-30-10 A110-30 A110-30-11 AX205-30 AX32-30-01 AX80-30-00 A95-30-11 AX115-30-11 UA50-30-11 AX32-30-10 AX18-30 A50-30-11 AX12-30-01 AX115-30-11 AF75-30-11 AX115-30-11 A26-30 AX18-30-01 A12-30-10 AX40-30-01 A260-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX80-30 A300-30 AX95-30-11 AF50-30-11 AX115-30-11 A300-30-11 AL30-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX12-30-01 AL26-30-01 A16-30 AF750-30-11 A75-30-11 AF580-30 AX115-30-11 AX95-30-11 AL16-30-01 A185-30-11 AX65-30-11 AF40-30-11 A12-30-10 UA95-30-00 AL12-30 AL12-30 AX40-30 UA50-30 AX260-30-11 AL9-30-01 AF400-30 AX115-30-11 AF260-30-11 A300-30-11 AF750-30-11 A50-30-11 A26-30-10 AX12-30-01 AF300-30-11 AF1650-30-11 AX260-30-11 UA75-30-11 AX18-30-01 A12-30-10 AF460-30 A300-30-11 AX150-30-11 AF2050-30-11 AX115-30-11 B6-30 AX65-30-11 AL12-30-10 AX12-30 AL16-30-01 AF110-30 AF145-30-11 AF460-30-11 VB7-30-01 380V AX09-30 A95-30-11 AX50-30-11 AX300-30-11 A145-30-11 AX32-30-01 A145-30-11 AF400-30-11 AF110-30-11 AL9-30-01 A12-30-10 AX115-30-11 AF1650-30-11 AF40-30-11 A26-30-10 AF260-30 AX50-30-00 AF1350-30-11 AF260-30-11 AX260-30-11 B7-30 AX115-30-11 AX65-30 A260-30 AF750-30-11 B6-30-01 220V AF1650-30-11 AF185-30-11 AX115-30-11 UA95-30-00 AL30-30-11 AF1250-30 AX370-30-11 AF580-30-11 AX115-30-11 A75-30-11 AL12-30-01 UA30-30-10 AX260-30-11 A26-30-10 AF580-30-11 UA75-30 UA95-30-00 UA95-30 AX18-30-10 AX370-30-11 AX115-30-11 A145-30-11 A50-30 AF75-30-11 AX80-30-11 AX65-30-00 AX50-30-11 AX12-30-01 AX25-30-01 AF2050-30-11 AX115-30-11 AF50-30-11 AF185-30 A16-30-01 AF580-30-11 AF75-30-11 AF110-30-11 AF1650-30 AX65-30 B6-30 AX95-30-11 UA95-30-11 AF50-30-11 A185-30-11 AX32-30-01 VB7-30 AX115-30-11 AF750-30-11 UA75-30-00 B6-30-01 220V AX115-30-11 AX12-30-10 AF185-30-11 AL12-30-01 A300-30 AF63-30-11 AF145-30-11 A26-30-01 AX50-30-00 UA50-30-00 A50-30-11 AX18-30-01 AX50-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX80-30-00 AX115-30-11 AF2050-30 AL9-30 AX95-30 AL16-30-01 AX25-30-10 AX185-30-11 AF1350-30 UA30-30 AX12-30 AF400-30-11 B6-30-10 220V AX80-30-00 AX115-30-11 AX370-30-11 AX25-30-01 A9-30-01 A185-30-11 AX300-30-11 AL12-30-10 AX32-30 AX18-30-10 A145-30 AX150-30-11 UA50-30-11 A95-30 UA30-30-10 AX25-30-01 AX50-30 A75-30-11 AX09-30-10 AF400-30-11 A185-30-11 A30-30-11 AX12-30-10 AX205-30-11 AL16-30-10 AF260-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX300-30-11 A30-30-11 AX185-30-11 AL12-30-01 UA95-30-11 A95-30-11 AX09-30-10 AF400-30-11 AX65-30-11 A145-30-11 AX09-30-10 A30-30 AX185-30-11 AX150-30-11 AF300-30-11 AL30-30 A145-30 UA50-30-11 AF260-30 AF1350-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX50-30-00 UA95-30-11 AX115-30-11 B7-30-01 24V AF95-30-11 AX40-30-10 A9-30-10 A185-30-11 AX115-30-11 A95-30-11 VB7-30 AX09-30-01 AX95-30-11 AL26-30-10 AX40-30-01 A9-30-01 AL12-30-01 AF40-30 AX115-30-11 AX115-30-11 AF1250-30-11 AX115-30-11 AF300-30-11 UA30-30 AL30-30-11 A110-30-11 A110-30-11 AF1250-30-11 AX80-30-11 AF1250-30-11 UA50-30-00 AF400-30 AX205-30-11 A9-30-10 AF50-30-11 AX300-30 A300-30-11 AF40-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX185-30 AF95-30-11 A16-30-01 AX65-30-11 AF145-30-11 AL9-30-10 AX115-30-11 AF1350-30-11 UA75-30 AX260-30 AF50-30 AX115-30-11 AL30-30-11 AL16-30 AX150-30 AX205-30-11 UA75-30-11 AX185-30-11 AX115-30-11 AL26-30 AF1350-30-11 AX12-30-10 AL30-30-11 AX65-30-00 AF63-30 AF750-30 AF50-30-11 AL9-30-01 AX115-30-11 AF185-30-11 A16-30-01 UA75-30-00 UA75-30-11 AL16-30-10 AX50-30 AX115-30-11 AF580-30-11 AF460-30-11 AF460-30 AL30-30 A145-30-11 A16-30 AX40-30-10 AX50-30-00 A260-30-11 AL9-30-10 AX115-30-11 AX300-30 VB7-30-01 220V A16-30-10 AF75-30-11 AX25-30-01 AF400-30-11 AF1650-30-11 UA75-30-00 AX205-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX95-30-11 AX80-30-00 AX115-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX95-30-11 AL12-30-10 AX115-30-11 AF95-30 UA50-30-00 UA50-30-11 A110-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX115-30-11 UA50-30-11 AX40-30-10 AX80-30-00 AX150-30-11 AL16-30-01 AX115-30-11 A30-30 B7-30-10 24V AX32-30-10 AF260-30-11 AF460-30-11 AL26-30-01 AX40-30-01 A16-30-10 UA30-30-10 AF75-30 A110-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX25-30 AF580-30 A300-30-11 AX150-30-11 AX115-30-11 A145-30-11 B6-30-10 24V AX09-30-01 A16-30-01 A260-30-11 AX185-30-11 AX40-30-10 AX18-30 AF2050-30-11 A26-30-10 A95-30-11 AX185-30-11 AX18-30-01 UA75-30-11 UA95-30-00 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AX80-30-00 AX205-30-11 AX65-30-11 AF40-30 AX80-30 AX12-30-01 AX115-30-11 AX09-30-01 A50-30-11 AL26-30-01 AX12-30-10 AF1350-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX115-30-11 AX205-30 A9-30-10 AL26-30-10 UA95-30-11 AF95-30 AX80-30-11 AX115-30-11 A9-30-01 AX370-30-11 A260-30


B2B Trade

Price (FOB) Negotiable transportation -
MOQ Negotiable Leadtime Negotiable
Payment Options T/T,Western Union Shipping time Negotiable

HongKong Glory Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.

Country / Year Established
China China / 2014
Business type


Sales Manager
Tiwangge Comercial Center, No.995,Zhongshan Dadao Road, Tianhe district, GUnagzhou,China
Product Category
Electrical Equipment
Year Established
Company introduction


 Our company is specialized in Industrial automation products such as PLC, HMI, Inverter, Encoder, Circuit Breaker,Relay, cable and so on.

We deal with Siemens, Allen-Bradely, Mitsubishi, Omron, Schneider, Delta, ABB, Yaskawa,Yokogawa,GE Fanuc, Keyence, Proface, Bently Nevade,Hitech, Hitachi and many other brands you want.



Products Range and Brands: 
Module: IGBT, IPM, PIM, Thyristor, Diode, Rectifier Bridge, SCR, GTO, Mosfet Power Module, Transistor, etc.

Module Brands: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Sanken, SanRex, Hitachi,Omron, PRX, Eupec, Infineon, Semikron,IXYS, Westcode, Dynex, ABB,Tyco, IR, Nihon, VICOR, Lambda, Cosel, Astec, TDK, Lucent, etc.

Auto- Industrial: PLC, Inverter, Servo, Motor, CPU, Relay, Sensor, Switch, Circuit Breaker, Contactor, Connector, Resistor, Capacitor, Encoder, Timer, Counter, Test Meter, Button and Indicator, Switching Power Supply, Fuse, Solenoid Valve, LCD Screen, HMI, Battery, Fan, IC Parts,etc. 

Auto- Industrial Brands: 
Omron,Siemens,Mitsubishi,Yaskawa, Keyence , Takex, Fuji,Schneider,ABB, Keyence, Sunx,Fanuc, Delta, Bussmann ,CKD ,SMC ,etc.


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