3-in-1 Multi-functional Hydrogen Miracle Bottle WS1499
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- Keyword
- alkaline water, h2 water, health product, water treatment
Wellohas Co, Ltd
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Product name | 3-in-1 Multi-functional Hydrogen Miracle Bottle WS1499 | Certification | - |
Category |
Sterilization Equipment
Water Bottles Health Care Supplement Other Health Care Products Water Softeners |
Ingredients | - |
Keyword | alkaline water , h2 water , health product , water treatment | Unit Size | - |
Brand name | - | Unit Weigh | 300 g |
origin | South Korea | Stock | - |
Supply type | - | HS code | 8421211000 |
Product Information
Having a Hydrogen Miracle Water at home, but have you ever worry if you are not able to enjoy it when
you are away from home ?
No more worries, the Hydrogen Miracle Bottle solves your problem. Owning a Hydrogen Miracle Bottle
is like having a portable Hydrogen Miracle Water generator all around with you, allowing you to enjoy a sip of high
quality hydrogen water, anytime, anywhere.
Simply pour in your regular drinking water and your glass of health beneficial drinking water is ready.
Do you know what makes your life becomes lower in quality, having stresses and health problems? First,
let’s have a look at what affects your life quality.
Active oxygens, also known as free radicals, are the main factor leading to health problems. One of the
most common radical is the hydroxyl radical (OH−). Hydroxyl radical is chemically unstable for having a
missing electrons. And for these radicals, in order to make themselves stable, they will overtake the one
electron from others, or most commonly, from our body cells. The electron from the cell membrane will be taken
by the radical, and thus destroying the cell. When the radical starts attacking the cell deeper, they will also
take electrons from mitochondria, nucleus and even DNA protein. These destroyed cells, and denatured
cell components like mitochondria and DNA, are the main factor why human are encountering health
problems such as cancer, aging up, and fatigue.
By consuming hydrogen water, we can safely remove this harmful radical without bringing any
side effects to our body health.
The illustration shows that when hydrogen gives out its one electron to radical, radical (or OH-) will form with the hydrogen to
become water. There are no harmful byproducts produced at the end, only water is produced and it
will be removed from body in the form of sweat or urine.
H●(hydrogen) + ●OH(hydroxyl radical) = H2O(water)
Benefits of Hydrogen Water
Hydrogen has amazing antioxidant properties that, studies proved that
1 Liter of hydrogen water possesses the same antioxidant properties as the food consumption below;
The sterilizing Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) can be generated by simply adding table salt into
the tap water.
To use, simply spray the generated HOCl on desired corners in house for effective sterilizing
of harmful microorganisms such as odor-causing bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
HOCl, or Hypochlorous acid, is a weak acid that can be generated by using only table salt from your kitchen, and water. This
HOCl is a regular kind of biocides that can be abundantly found in human’s immune body, especially in white blood cells such as
neutrophils. This biocides, or HOCl, aims to kill the external invaders that enter the human body and bring up various diseases. With
the same working theory and action, this HOCl generated by table salt and tap water is aiming to disinfect 99.9% of harmful
germs and viruses, regardless of anywhere and anytime, efficiently, no matter where they hide. The hypochlorous acid has
slightly acidic, or almost neutral in pH level. While on the surfaces, or cell membranes of germs and viruses, there is the presence
of negatively charged hydroxyls, and thus repelling other negatively charged particles in water. Then, these neutral molecular
hydrogen and also slight acidic hypochlorous acid will then react to this negatively charged hydroxyls. Reacting with these
hydroxyls indirectly invaded the protection layers of germs and thus destroy their walls or membranes.
To use, simply spray the generated HOCl on desired corners in the house for effective sterilizing of harmful
microorganisms such as odor-causing bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
Why shall you choose a 3-in-1 multifunctional hydrogen miracle bottle?
1) Multifunctional
The hydrogen miracle bottle is designed not only to be used as a hydrogen drinking the bottle, but also can be used as an inhaler and HOCL sterilizer. It can be used as an inhaler by simply changing the head of the bottle and connect an inhaling tube from the bottle to your nose. For sterilizer simply add in salt and tap water, press the button on the right and the bottle will generate HOCL disinfectant, then move the HOCL disinfectant to a spray bottle and your sterilizer is ready to be used.
2) Hydrogen Water is safe to be consumed
Hydrogen is just a type of gas, neutral in pH, no potential to be chemically reacted when in contact with other
atmospheric gases or water. Hydrogen will disappear into the air when the hydrogen water is left for a long time, thus
no residue will be left.
3) Easiest Way of Consumption
Drinking hydrogen water does not need any time or conditions requirements, for instance, eating after meals,
consume along together with other food, or eat at a specific time such as a morning or before sleep. Drinking hydrogen water
is easy. Just stick back to your daily routine, and change only the quality of your daily drinking water.
4) No Side Effects
Molecular hydrogens contain 2 hydrogen molecules. Hydrogen is needed to neutralize the negatively charged
harmful radicals (hydroxyl active oxygens) found in body cells, to form water as the end product. No any other harmful side
products will be produced. Only water will be removed from the body in the form of vapor or urine.
5) Gives Various Health Benefits
Various researches and studies were done and were proven that hydrogen does bring various health benefits to human,
such as anti-aging, prevention of treatment, reduce acne and wrinkles on the face, improve skin conditions, strengthen
immunity of the body, kills harmful viruses and bacteria, and etc.
6) Work More Efficiently than any other products
Hydrogen has the smallest size in elements. It has a high ability to penetrate through body cells to remove harmful
radical from the body. Usually, it takes up only less than 10 minutes for molecular hydrogens to diffuse into cells throughout the
body. And hydrogen is proved to own a highly selective action which reacts only with the harmful radicals.
7) Economic
This disinfectant spray is definitely an economic one as it does not require any fancy materials, but only salt and tap water.
A sterilizing agent can be produced in a large amount. It is reusable that, once the HOCl water is used up, simply generate
more HOCl water by adding salt and water, that’s it.
8) Environmental Friendly
Hypochlorous acid, also found as biocides in white blood cells, uses hydrogen molecule to break down the cell by reacting
to the hydroxyl groups, and thus only water will be produced as the end product. Water will then evaporate into the atmosphere and hence no dirty or harmful residue will be left.
9) Safe for infant and pet use
Since the whole sterilizing process does not use up any harmful materials, and only water will be produced at the end as
well as no residue will be formed, the Hydrogen Miracle Disinfectant Spray is your ideal sterilizing method to be used, for
the sake of your loved ones.
Wound Healing Effect of HOCl
10-week old mice were prepared and 5mm wounds were induced creating a total of six wounds per mouse. Treatment was done by the spraying of the control groups and experimental groups three times a day for seven days.
The digital photograph of a wound representative was consistent with the result as shown in the morphology of the wounds
among treatment groups.
Clinical improvement of psoriasis of an 8-week course of hydrogen-water bathing therapy.
Case 1: 64-year-old psoriasis patient at baseline and after the bathing therapy. Although he had been treated with acitretin capsules 30mg
daily for more than 4 months, the psoriatic lesions had not improved except for the partially reduced scale on the plaque. He refused to
increase the drug dose due to intolerable dryness and chapping of the mucous membranes.
Case 2: 40-year-old psoriasis patient at baseline and after the last bathing therapy. He complained of severely itching and
treatment-resistant lesions (acitretin capsules 40mg daily for more than 6 months), and after bathing therapy he was able to reduce the
Case 3: 43-year-old psoriasis patient at baseline and after the last bathing therapy. This man had been continuously treated with
methotrexate 5mg weekly for more than 10 months and was able to reduce the dose successfully after bathing therapy. Note that
patients experienced similar responses in the areas not shown.
(a) Clinical evaluation of a patient of parapsoriasis en plaques who achieved complete response rapidly 4 weeks after hydrogen-water bathing.
A 35-year-old man with large plaque parapsoriasis had been followed up for 30 months and during that time two biopsies were taken showing
no progression. He had suffered fare-up after 10-month narrow-band UVB therapy and failed to have evident improvement in the later 6
month phototherapy despite of increasing the power. Even if only 4 weeks, his lesions rapidly achieved significant improvements without
concomitant therapy.
(b) The Hematoxylin-eosin stain shows mildly hyperkeratotic and focally parakeratotic epidermis with moderately dense superficial perivascular
infiltrate. Lymphoid cells are mostly small, cytological normal lymphocytes, and there is focal single-cell epidermotropism.
Zhu, Qinyuan & Wu, Yueshen & Li, Yongmei & Chen, Zihua & Wang, Lanting & Xiong, Hao & Dai, Erhong & Wu, Jianhua & Fan, Bin & Ping, Li & Luo, Xiaoqun. (2018). Positive effects of hydrogen-water
bathing in patients of psoriasis and parapsoriasis en plaques. Scientific Reports. 8. 10.1038/s41598-018-26388-3.
Effects of Hydrogen Water on Blood and Organ Tissue
Jung, Han-Suk & Kim, Dong-Heui & Yoon, Yang-Suk & Teng, Yung-Chien & Chang, Byung & Lee, Kyu-Jae. (2008). The Effects of Electrolyzed Reduced Water on Blood and Organ Tissues of
Mice. Applied Microscopy. 38.
Effects on Protecting Brain Cells from Oxidative Stress
Glutamate is a major excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system that is involved in brain functions
including cognition, memory and learning
Result shows the effects of hydrogenated water on glutamate toxicity as monitored by DNA damage response (γH2AX).
The protective effect of hydrogen against glutamate toxicity was determined by reductions in γH2AX.
2) Glutathione
Glutathione (GSH) is a key intracellular tripeptide thiol antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage by providing
reducing equivalents for the reduction of lipid hydro peroxides
Result shows the effect of hydrogenated water on intracellular glutathione (GSH) levels in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells.
Settineri, Robert & Zhou, Jie & Ji, Jin & Ellithorpe, Rita & Rosenblatt, Steven & Jimenez, Antonio & Ohta, Shigeo & Ferreira, Gonzalo & Nicolson, Garth. (2018). Hydrogenized Water Effects on Protection
of Brain Cells from Oxidative Stress and Glutamate Toxicity. 10.12691/ajfn-6-1-2.
Studies on Anti-fatigue Effect of Hydrogen
Results show that changes on various effects on forced-swim mice, after being fed with Hydrogen for 4 weeks.
(a)Ability to keep on swimming,
[ *p<0.05; **p<0.01, **p<0.001 ]
“Hydrogen Water Drinking Exerts Antifatigue Effects in Chronic Forced Swimming Mice via Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Activities”, Biomed Research
International, http://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2571269 , 2018
Studies on effects on endurance exercise in a heated environment on body fluid balance and exercise performance
Results show the muscle and skin tissue temperature during exercise. Values mean ±SD (n=12), *;P<0.05 vs. Pre.
[Abbreviation, CON: control trial; EHW: electrolyzed hydrogen water]
Results show respiratory variables during exercise. Values mean ±SD (n=12), *;P<0.05 vs. Pre.
[V ̇O_2=oxygen intake]
Results show serum glycerol concentration during exercise. Values mean ±SD (n=12), *;P<0.05 vs. Pre.
Results show plasma volume change during exercise. Values mean ±SD (n=12), *;P<0.05 vs. Pre
Table showing Hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum osmolality levels, total protein and albumin concentrations.
Table showing pH, HCO₃⁺, PO₂, PCO₂ levels, Na⁺ and K⁺ concentrations
Ito, Hiroto & Kabayma, Shigeru & Goto, Kazushige. (2020). Effects of electrolyzed hydrogen water ingestion during endurance exercise in a heated environment on body
fluid balance and exercise performance. Temperature. 1-10. 10.1080/23328940.2020.1742056.
B2B Trade
Price (FOB) | Negotiable | transportation | - |
MOQ | Negotiable | Leadtime | Negotiable |
Payment Options | Negotiable | Shipping time | Negotiable |
- President
- Chris Lee
- Address
- 77 Mokdongseo-ro Yangcheon-gu Seoul, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
- Product Category
- Health Care Supplement,Other Bath Supplies,Other Health Care Products,Water Dispensers & Purifiers,Water Softeners
- Year Established
- 2008
- Company introduction
We have beenfocusing on research and development of
purified hydrogen water system since1990.
Eversince our foundation in 1990, we have been sticking to our only motive; not thecomplacency about our latest technology, but to fulfil our customers byproviding them the best quality of product devices, and will do our bests indevelopment and improvement to meet our customers’ needs.
It isn’ta Premise,
Butit takes, best care of your family health.
- Main Product
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